Bratsigovo Bracigovo Bratzigovo Брацигово

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Soundtrack of Bulgaria

Since I moved to Bulgaria, I have had the oppurtunity to listen to a lot of different music, not only Bulgarian, but music from all around Europe that we don't get in the states. From Ukraine, Romania, Greece, Turkey, and on. I am really open when it comes to music and like to listen to a lot of different styles. These songs will be the soundtrack of my experience in Bulgaria and years from now when I stumble upon one of these songs, it will take me back to my life in Bulgaria and bring back the memories and emotions; some of which I have not yet experienced or felt. I thought it would be great if you could listen to a sample of my soundtrack. Below is a site where you can download songs.

It's in english, but it has many songs that aren't.

If you look to the right where it says "most requested music" that will give you a pretty good idea of what I listen to. Some songs are from America as well. Below are some of the songs I like. Just click the search tab at the top of the website and copy and paste the song into the search. If you like it and want more by the artist, type his or her name in the search field and all the songs by him or her will come up. To the left of the song click "http" to listen to a live stream. To download the song directly to your computer, click "dir". If multiple files show up in the search, choose the file ranging from 3 to 8 megabytes. No the titles below are not typos. That's how you spell them in english.

Giorgos Mazonakis is a Greek musician. I am listening to the first song of his below right now. It feels so appropriate. I look out my window at the village and the mountains behind them with the sun setting. It makes me feel like I am in old town Italy. It doesnt matter that the song is Greek and I am in Bulgaria. I don't know what he is singing about, but the style feels so appropriate for living life simply.

Apopse Tha Soneireutw
To Gucci Forema

A Bulgarian favorite is Anelia. A lot of Peace Corps volunteers will probably gag when they read this, but I like her.

Nez Naesh
Pogledni me v o4ite
Bavno Umirah
Samo Mene Nqma6

Irina Florin is another Bulgarian artist


Below is a Bulgarian rap song with Vanko and Irina Florin

Zapazi Ve4erta

Alina & Costi are from Romania

Necasuri Si Suparari(re)


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