Bratsigovo Bracigovo Bratzigovo Брацигово

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

New Guveche Recipe

This one is better than the last one I posted. Remember to play with the recipe and make it your own.

- First take some meat. About a pound, but a little more is ok. Pork, lamb, and even turkey works. Cut it up into bit size chunks. Add a tablespoon of cumin, black pepper, and dill if you like. Mix it all up and marinate it for a couple hours.

- It's been two hours and now your ready to cook. Cut some mushrooms up real fine and throw them in a pan with some oil. Put as many or as little mushrooms as you like. In this recipe they act more like a spice.

- Now add a nice head of onion to the pan; chopped up real small. You can also add your meat at this point. When it's cooked, set it aside.

- Now this recipe works best if you have about six little earthenware pots, but you can also try a casserole dish. Place a layer of peeled and cubed potatoes in this dish. Now add your meat mixture. Again, add another layer of potatoes.

- Not add a little tomato puree to the top. Clean the pan you used to cook the meat with some water and add that water to the dish. The water should fill the dish half-way.

- Add some small chunks of butter to the top. Now add a lid and place in the oven on high. When the potatoes are done, so is the Guveche. You can crack some eggs on top just before it's done cooking if you like. That's all!



At 7:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Matthew,

Conratulatuion for beautiful website.
You really did a great job. Keep up the good spirit and work!




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