Bratsigovo Bracigovo Bratzigovo Брацигово

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Interesting Questions

Since I've been in Bulgaria I have been asked lots of questions by the Bulgarians I come in to contact with. Most of them have been meaningful and a few of them have been very memorable. I've been asked if I am from France. One of the first questions I was asked is how I can be from California if I am so white. My favorite though is, "are women in America fat?" How do you answer that kind of a question? I said, "sometimes" and the guy, who happens to be one of the Vice-Mayors in my town, disimissed my answer as being diplomatic. LOL!

I think the best way to answer some of these questions is with another question. Instead of saying, "no', my Dad use to say, "does a chicken have lips?" Do you have any more of those Dad? I have to think of some. And can you translate it into Bulgarian? Ok...I'll have my Bulgarian tutor translate them for me. It'll be nice to see the look on her face anyway. He he!

I added another album. Lovech & Tsenevo. Enjoy it! I also added a bunch more links about Bulgaria and the cities I have visited. All of them should have an English version except a couple. Well I have been on this computer way too long today. I'm gonna get something to eat.


At 9:03 AM, Blogger Rich said...

My grandmother used to say, "as independent as a hog on ice". And another one was, "two heads are better than one, even if one is a goat's head". Try that in Bulgarian.

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To answer yes,I used to tell my Japanese counterparts: Does a bear shit in the woods?


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