Bratsigovo Bracigovo Bratzigovo Брацигово

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

First Grant

(The town of Bratsigovo)

I got my first grant last week. Well, kind of. Back in 2002 a group from the US Military came to Bratsigovo to help remodel one of the orphanages. The director of the orphange still gets emails from a few of the people in this group and I tranlate the emails between them. One of the men in this group sent an email expressing that he would like to treat the kids to a pizza party. Just to brighten them up a little and let them know that someone cares about them.

I located a bakery in town that makes pizza, found out how much it cost, and this man sent me the money. He also included some extra money for one of the kids he met at the orphanage. I gave her the money Monday. I don't think she quite understood why this person was giving her money, but she was greatful none the less.

We will have the party on the 22nd of March to welcome in spring. Thanks to Bob Anderson of Tennessee! Lets all raise a toast to him and the kids at the orphanage on this day. With what? Jack Daniels, of course. "The nectar of Gods." Bob would say.


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