Bratsigovo Bracigovo Bratzigovo Брацигово

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Where am I?

(Volunteers of the 16th Peace Corps Training class in Bulgaria. Small photo, I know!)

I've been in Bulgaria for a total of three months now and at my permanant site for one month. I wonder when I will get used to living in a foreign country and consider it a home. I use to wake up in the morning, open my eyes, and feel a little confused but mostly suprised that I wasn't sleeping in my bed at home in the US. That phase has passed, but my dreams still only take place in the US. Also, instead of considering myself a foreigner in a foreign country, I think the Bulgarian people are the foreigners. He ha ha!

So I am definitely physically in Bulgaria, but I guess it will take longer than I thought to be mentally here. Now this doesn't mean I am not having an awsome time here. I am! Everyday with every new experience I encounter, I know I made an incredibly wise decision. I just wonder when I will stop feeling like a visitor.

I found a tutor to help me continue learning the Bulgarian languange. We meet for an hour every Tuesday and Thursday. This should help me integrate. I also found some friends, but they turned out to be the Bratsigovo bad boys. LOL! Everyone in town is very adament when they tell me not to hang out with these guys. So I guess I shouldn't or integrating into the town might not be as smooth. Tomorrow I start taking piano lessons. I have been wanting to do that for a loooooong time. Maybe I should have chosen the guitar. It's more pratical, but I love the piano.


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