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Saturday, November 13, 2004

Bulgarian Stlye Mexican food

(I took this my first week in Bulgaria)

I made Mexican food for dinner the other night. You would be suprised how hard it was. They don't have the same grocery items in Bulgaria as in the US. I had to make everything from scratch. It was the first time I ever made tortillas. They turned out really good and they were easy to make. The food I made wasn't exactly the same as in the US of course. I had to use some substitutes. The ground beef here is really a mixture of beef and pork. The food turned out great anyway though.

At work I had to explain to everyone what a taco is. For my next Na Gosti (to have guests over) I should make tacos. The next thing I need to learn to make is BBQ sauce. They don't have that here. Anyone know any good recipes for BBQ sauce?


At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBQ sauce...ketchup, a tiny bit of mustard, some spices (anything you like, even spicey) crushed or powdered garlic and brown sugar. A little liquid smoke if you have it too. That is simple but an easy recipe.

Flavor to taste with the above ingredients, cook it on the stove to incorporate ingredients.


At 9:32 PM, Blogger Matthew Wahlgren said...

That sounds easy enough. Thanks! I don't know if I will be able to find the liquid smoke, but every thing else I can get easy. What do you think if I throw in some Jack Daniels?

At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

JD?????????????????? Yummy...not much though and let the alcohol burn off. You don't want the sauce to be too thin, unless you plan on cooking it down to reduce it. If you slow cook for a while you can add some minced garlic (of course) and onions...experiment!!!!

At 6:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe when we get there we can make something they have not tried or know how to make. We can bring stuff but it has to be canned or boxed. Anything else I think would not make it. So if you have any ideas please tell.
Love Steven


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