Bratsigovo Bracigovo Bratzigovo Брацигово

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Mo Money

So I have been searching for funding to provide a healthy and reliable water supply to three villages in the municipality. The project costs half a million US dollars. The municipality has written a project proposal and had it translated into english. I was reading it and found out that this proposal was written two years ago and they never sent it to any funding organizations. Now that I am here they want me to find the money. I have been searching but haven't found much. I did send out a couple short letter to two funding organizations that seemed promising.

Then the Peace Corps provides me with information that the Bulgarian government is accepting proposals for such a project. I look into it and find that this is the best solution out there so far. I tell my counterpart and he says,"yeah I know about that one". For some reason he hasn't moved on it. I guess he wants funding from the US. I don't know but I told him to get moving on this one. I didn't say it politely either. Him and the other lady in the office rushed to start working on it. He he! I guess its going to take me a while to get use to their slow work ethics. Or maybe it is going to take them a while to get use to my work ethics.


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