Bratsigovo Bracigovo Bratzigovo Брацигово

Friday, May 13, 2005

Chicho Colo

Chicho (or Uncle) Colo is the owner and bar tender at Tiffani bar in Bratsigovo. This is the bar I most often frequent. Whenever I go in, he always gives me a quick lesson in Bulgarian slang. He also knows a lot of Turkish phrases. He tells me that he is my "kahdem." That means good luck charm in Turkish.

I've made most of my friends at this bar. In fact, I went there last night and met about a dozen more people. I always know that there will be someone I can hangout with at Chicho Colo's bar. On the rare occasions when there isn't, Chicho Colo pours himself a drink and we toast each other.


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