Bratsigovo Bracigovo Bratzigovo Брацигово

Friday, April 22, 2005

English and Books.

While my parents were here last week they brought a bunch of books with them for the kids at the school. They brought Dr. Suess, a book with every Disney story in it and a bunch of others. This week I delivered them to one of the teachers who teaches English in her class room. At the end of class I read them Green Eggs and Ham, my favorite when I was a kid. They kept asking, "whats Sam-I-am mean?"

I have a shipment of books coming from another organization as well. It's suposedly in the mail. I'm not really sure what they sent, but hopefully I will find out soon. The kids really liked the books. I know they would be happy to get more.

I also started teaching an English class once a week at one of the orphanages. It went well, but I think I need to make the lessons more intense. Some of them asked me for homework. I was surprised. There was a good showing of kids though. We'll see how many come next week.


At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope they enjoyed the books! Myself and LeAnne enjoyed shopping for them. I especially loved the Golden Books. They remunded me of what I had as a child. We bought them at the Haunted Toys R Us, you sent the article to me about. I hope everyone reads your list of items needed. When we were there and had a chance to visit the orhanage and meet the children, I understood whast a great cause this is!!!

At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always find it so strange when despite such differences in, well, everything we could end up doing something so similar. Maybe at the same time. The next letter I wrote talks about when I was helping some of the Bangalis I work with learn English.


At 4:06 PM, Blogger Matthew Wahlgren said...

Yeah it's ironic. Our jobs are seemingly opposites, but in some I cases I guess your work overlaps into the stuff I do.

I just read your last letter the other day. I couldn't open it till now because I didn't have word on the new computer. Can't wait to read the next one.


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