Bob Anderson
A few weeks ago Bob Anderson came to Bratsigovo for a visit. He was here roughly three years ago with a national gaurd unit from Tennessee and helped with a remodel of one of the orphanages in town. Since then he has kept in contact with the director and kids from the orphanage. I've translated emails to the director from him and vise versa. He even helped me get my first grant. So when he made it into town I met with him and his wife and showed them around the municipality for a couple days. They treated me and another volunteer to lunches and dinners. At one of the dinners he invited the director of the orphanage and a couple others. We ate patatnik for the first time. It's like a Potato pancake, but bigger.
Now Bob is back in Tennessee, but last week sent me some money to by clothes for two orphans named Sedefka and Sasho. They are brother and sister. So I went out with them and someone from the orphanage and bought new socks, sweaters, shoes, mittens, pants, etc. for the coming winter. It was hard to spend the money because things are so cheap here. The rest of the money I gave to two sisters who lived at the orphanage when they were younger. He told me to reserve some money to take out Maggie, another volunteer who happened to be visiting me while Bob and his wife were in town. Last week while at a Peace Corps conference we went out for chinese. Thanks for treating us with your presense Bob. Maggie and I enjoyed ourselves and I know the Director was thrilled to see you.
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