Bratsigovo Bracigovo Bratzigovo Брацигово

Friday, June 10, 2005

British Invasion

A retired British couple moved into Bratsigovo recently. For five weeks they alluded me and most of the city. One day the municipality said they needed me to translate for them because they wanted to speak to some anglichani (brits) remodeling a house in town. Since then I have been helping these anglichani settle in. It turns out another British family has bought a house in Bratsigovo as well.

Officially foreigners aren't able to buy property in Bulgaria, but a loop hole in the law provides a work-around. You can form a corporation. The corporation doesn't have to do anything, but the house will be in its name. A lot of brits have been taking advantage of this loop hole, buying up property and retiring here. With the pension they get back home, they live comfortably here. The lev goes 3 to one on the pound. Everyone I've talked to in Bratsigovo welcomed the new family. However, in the past I have talk to some Bulgarians who were a little annoyed because at the same time all these brits enter Bulgaria, Bulgarians have had a tough time recently getting into England. In any case I think it's safe to say the British invasion of Bulgaria is in full swing.


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